Large crowds greeted Dartmouth Head Coach Buddy Teevens, Gamebreaker Founder Mike Juelsand Practice Like Pros Founder Terry O'Neil on a weekend that spanned from Foxboro, MA, to San Antonio, TX.
Friday in Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, Teevens and O'Neil opened the New England Football Coaches Clinic, co-hosted by the New England Patriots and the Massachusetts High School Football Coaches Association (MHSFCA). Displayed on the massive, high-definition monitors of the stadium club lounge, PLP videos loomed over a crowd of 250 coaches. The event was a homecoming for Teevens, born and raised in Pembroke, MA, a three-sport star at Silver Lake Regional High in Kingston, MA, before taking his talents to Deerfield Academy and Dartmouth.
Saturday at the University of Texas/San Antonio, Juels and O'Neil presented to 150 coaches and administrators at the Texas Youth Football Association (TYFA) Annual Membership Meeting. Simultaneously, TYFA, largest youth football governing body in Texas, revolutionized its health-and-safety approach with sweeping changes that will roll out over the next three years. Most immediate among them is a mandate to put TYFA flag football players in Gamebreaker soft-shell headgear. TYFA Co-Founder/President Brian Morgan explained to his members, "After extensive research, it was easy to conclude that Gamebreaker is the clear leader in its category. But they're not just selling us a product. Gamebreaker is partnering with us, bringing us tools, resources and expertise to make our league better, keep our players safer."
Far from their image on the Esquire Network program Friday Night Tykes, TYFA coaches showed themselves to be knowledgeable, dedicated and caring about their athletes. Among the reaction emailed within hours of Juels' and O'Neil's presentation:
It was an honor and great pleasure meeting you today. I know I speak for everyone in attendance when I say that the information and drills you went over today were awesome! I really want to take advantage of your offer in regard to additional education/instruction you're willing to distribute. I don't want to miss out on any opportunity to grow and better our athletes. When you have a moment, please forward anything you're willing to share. Thank you for being part of today's conference. -- Carlos Silvas, Head Coach, San Antonio Junior Brahmas
Awesome speech, love it! Please send me the videos and still frames so I can preach to my kids. -- Joe Cordova, Head Coach, San Antonio Junior Barons
Thank you for the seminar! Please send me the video so we can implement in our program. It Takes Team Work to Make the Dream Work! -- Thomas Robledo III, Owner/President, San Antonio Junior Falcons
Thank you for everything you're doing. The briefing was spot on and we do need to make the game safer for our kids and the future of football. -- William Thomas, Head Coach, New Braunfels Junior Cougars
From North of the Border
Message from one of several Canadian coaches who has seen our clinic this winter:
I attended your talk at the NIKE Coach of the Year Clinic in Connecticut. I found it extremely good. I would very much like to enact change in the football culture where I coach. Please email a copy of the slides and videos you presented, along with anything else you think could help me enable change here. --Coach Vincent Distefano, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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