In a whirlwind eight days ending Saturday, Practice Like Pros made presentations to:
the Glazier/New England Clinic in Groton, CT,
the Fulton County, GA, Director of Athletics in Atlanta,
the New York State High School Football Coaches Association (NYSHSFCA) Clinic in Verona, NY,
the Ohio High School Football Coaches Association (OHSFCA) Clinic in Columbus, OH.
Common at all four stops was coaches' willingness to reduce risk in high school football, but their frustration at failure to convey this message publicly. A coach in Ohio asked what it would take to communicate the recent reforms in high school football.
"Something bold," replied PLP founder Terry O'Neil. "Reduce in-season full contact to 15 minutes per week."
In truth, such change would not be so drastic. Of 250 New York State and Ohio coaches polled during last week's junket, only one said he was practicing full contact as much as 60 minutes per week. This trend runs contrary to the 90 minutes per week recommended by USA Football and the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS).
"We are actively looking for state governing bodies willing to adopt 15 minutes full contact per week," said O'Neil. "And coaches are driving this effort for us. It's an excellent message to send to football parents."
Latest Reaction to PLP Clinics
I truly enjoyed your presentation at the New England Glazier Clinic today. I have been a no-full-contact coach for years now, and your presentation strengthened my opinion to continue to evolve our sport. --Dave Knopf, Assistant Coach, East Lyme (CT) High School
I was at your presentation at Turning Stone. I was very impressed, thank you. You mentioned that you could send the videos presented. I would like to show them to the rest of our staff. --Jeff Lacey, Assistant Coach, Cortland (NY) High School.
I do feel the game of football can be safe if we as coaches are aware of how much contact we have during the week. --Mike Baker, Head Coach, Smithville (OH) High School
I am really looking into making our practices no full-contact during the season and off-season, too. Thanks for everything you do for the game. --Bryan Johnson, Head Coach, Liberty Union High School, Baltimore, OH
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